
Involving service users in the implementation of outcome measures

By Alexis Foster, Research Fellow, the University of Sheffield

Service-user involvement has been at the heart of developing ReQoL, but it is also likely to be helpful if organisations involve service-users when designing how to integrate ReQoL into their services.

A recent project looking generally at the implementation of outcome measures found some organisations didn’t involve service-users whilst others consulted them. 

Below is a table showing some of the study’s findings about the different approaches to service-user involvement when implementing outcome measures.

In the study it appeared that organisations who consulted service-users about using outcome measures developed more acceptable processes. Service-user consultations also gave outcome measures more credibility amongst staff because they could see that service-users were comfortable using the measures.

Given this, when implementing ReQoL you may want to consult service-users on the following:

It would be great to hear more from NHS Trusts who have designed implementation strategies for ReQoL through consultation with service-users. 

How did you involve service-users in implementing ReQoL in your trust?